Rima Nakkash, DrPH, MPH
Professor and Interim Chair
Department of Global and Community Health
Welcome from the Interim Chair
Welcome to the Department of Global and Community Health, which houses the fully CEPH-accredited bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs in public health. Our diverse faculty and staff serve our mission of providing an exceptional public health education through high-quality undergraduate and graduate educational programs, as well as through innovative research.
Due to the diversity of our faculty, both in background and professional focus, GCH offers a unique educational experience for students. Professors are trained in behavioral sciences, biostatistics, epidemiology, health communications, health education, and psychology. Approximately 54% of our full-time faculty also conduct grant-backed research. Funding for our faculty research includes the National Institutes of Health, The National Science Foundation, the Department of Defense, and the Department of Health and Human Services.
GCH faculty and their students also work collaboratively with healthcare institutions such as Inova, government entities such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and with other colleges and universities with similar academic programs. Students benefit from these collaborations as they offer opportunities for internships, practicum placements, and careers post-degree.
Our MPH students complete their practice experience with various organizations throughout the Washington, DC and Northern Virginia area and beyond. In a recent semester, students completed their practicums at local health departments in Virginia including Fairfax and Arlington, federal agencies including USAID and HRSA, as well as internationally.
Our PhD in Public Health program saw its first graduate, Kimberly McNally, who successfully defended her dissertation on ways to improve HPV vaccine compliance in schools in April 2024. Dr. McNally was mentored by professors Amira Roess and Ali Weinstein.
We encourage you to reach out to our faculty members to learn more about their work and achievements and to browse the GCH website for more information on what our faculty and students are doing in the classroom, community, and beyond. We hope to engage with you in the classroom or at one of our information sessions soon.
Rima Nakkash, DrPH, MPH
Professor and Interim Chair
Department of Global and Community Health
George Mason University